More common in women, hereditary plays a big part in the development of this foot condition. Bunions are almost always treated with minimally invasive techniques, producing aesthetically pleasing results.


Many conditions cause ankle pain, stiffness and instability, including sprains, fractures and arthritis. Identifying the precise cause will determine the best treatment options to decrease pain and increase mobility.

There are three main types of arthritis affecting the foot and ankle. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease typically affecting older people, rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disease and post-traumatic arthritis.

Heel Pain
Plantar fasciitis, a painful inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue on the base of the foot, and heel spurs, calcium deposits that present as a bony protrusion on the underside of the heel commonly cause pain.

Fallen Arches
Fallen arches or flat feet (medically known an pes planus) may be present from birth, but are more commonly a degenerative condition affecting the ligaments and cartilage that support the arch of the foot.

Sports Injuries
Common Sports injuries & conditions include archilles tendinitis,plantar fascciitis,stress fractures, ankle sprains.Can be treated with minimally invasive techniques that speed up the recovery process.

Toe Conditions
Many toe problems, including ingrown toenails, hammer toe or claw toe, develop as a result of ill-fitting shoes, or age-related wear and tear. They may be successfully treated with minimally invasive foot surgery.