Your Food Is Your Medicine: Naturally Healing Your Bones 

Your Food Is Your Medicine: Naturally Healing Your Bones
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Article Authors: Gordon Slater | Tandose Sambo 

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”- Thomas A. Edison

The human body is a complex system of organs that work together to keep us functioning and healthy. All of these organs are supported by the skeleton, which provides both strength and mobility to our lives. From a scientific perspective, bones are actually ceramic structures that do contain living elements that are constantly renewing themselves. In order to live long and healthy lives, it becomes important to understand the fundamentals of building healthy bones. 

With time, we have identified that there is a direct correlation between the types of food that we eat, and the level of our health. Organic foods provide us with the optimal nutrients that our body will need to function at its best. As we progress through our lifecycle, the peak bone mass is achieved by the age of 30. Maintenance of the body will be critical in order to keep the bones healthy and strong. Our bodies do have moving parts, and they must be conditioned in order to keep our health at peak. Here are a few essential food items that can naturally allow you to keep your bones healthy throughout your lifespan. 

  1. Increase your vegetable intake 

Vegetables are good for your entire well being. They improve the functioning of your digestive system, and they provide you with essential vitamins and minerals and catalyze the generation of healthy bone cells. With our modern existence, beware of the source of your vegetables. It is always a good idea to purchase organic foods that have natural fertilizers utilized in their cultivation. Vegetables that are not organically grown are often sprayed with pesticides, which can enter your body and affect its natural functions.  Our bodies do not readily recognize synthetic substances, and prefer organic foods. Growing your own vegetables will enable you to have fresh vegetables year round. 

As vegetables are incorporated into the diet, you’ll find that your bone density will naturally be at its peak. Calcium intake will be maximized, and adverse health conditions induced by low bone density will be avoided. According to a Healthline study, osteoporosis can be reduced by a diet that is rich in onions. Eating vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, parsley and foods rich in antioxidants also improves bone health. 

  1. Exercise For Improvement of Strength 

The modern way of life is not conducive to motion. Many people have occupations that require them to sit at a desk for hours at a time. Sitting for long periods of time does affect your cardiovascular system.  In the beginning, we humans had to hunt for food and the activity involved us having to be out, actively seeking our food for the day. This caused us to have to move our bodies for long distances in order to reach our targets. The human body is designed for motion.

Active bodies are leaner and the individual will live for a much longer time, because the cardiovascular system is constantly being utilized. Inactivity actually causes us to be less energetic and affects our mood. To counter the work environment, engaging in exercise is a great idea for us to maintain strong bones. 

During the current pandemic, many people have created their own home gyms. Alternately, you can always exercise in your neighborhood, or backyard. As you engage in exercises that enable you to build flexibility and strength, you will sustain great health. Your bones will respond to the weight exercises, and you will develop stronger, healthier bones. Maintenance of bone density via exercise is one of the keys to longevity. 

Maintaining a lifelong exercise plan will ensure that our children are healthy and adults are healthy as well. 

  1. Keep Track of Your Protein Intake 

The body has various chemical reactions that are simultaneously taking place in order to sustain each system. Protein is an important element in the generation of bone. There is a direct correlation between calcium absorption and protein intake. Bones are always regenerating, and ensuring that you have adequate protein in your diet, will ensure that they are restoring themselves appropriately. Talk with your orthopaedic specialist, or nutritionist about foods that you can include in your diet to generate stronger bones. 


A really nice recipe for bone building is a nutritional bowl. Ingredients and instructions are highlighted below: 


  • 1 cup spinach
  • 2 tbsp carrot grated
  • 2 cups brown rice
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp cheese grated
  • 2.5 ounces avocado (half an avocado)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil extra virgin
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp pesto to top
  • 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon


  1. Start by prepping your ingredients
  2. Cook your brown rice as per package instructions.
  3. Place your egg in a pot and add cold water until the whole egg is covered and there’s an additional 1 inch of water on top. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then cover. Remove from heat and set aside for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain and place in a bowl of cold water to cool. Once cool, you can peel your egg.
  4. Wash all your fruits and veggies. Grate your carrots and cheese, and slice your avocado. 
  5. Once all your ingredients are prepped, it’s time to assemble your bowl. Start by placing your rice at the bottom of the bowl. Then, make it look pretty by arranging the rest of your ingredients separately on top.
  6. Squeeze half a lemon over your bowl and finish with a drizzle of olive oil! 

Let your food be your medicine! 

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