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 “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

Article Authors: Gordon Slater| Tandose Sambo

Sports Injuries and Appropriate Treatment

In sporting activity, there is always the risk of injury. As an athlete, whether or not you are in competition, you are subject to the possibility of suffering injuries of different types. These injuries can affect the whole musculoskeletal system, in addition to bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and the joints. Special mention should be made of the spine, since muscle injuries can lead to downstream complications, and joint problems can become especially serious. There are a number of things that you should know about sports injuries and their appropriate treatment. In most cases, going to an orthopedic surgeon is a wise choice.

The types of injuries you may experience are outlined below: 

Muscle injuries:

Muscle injuries affect the muscle tissue and can be caused by direct trauma, overexertion, inappropriate movements, etc. In each type of sport, there are more frequent injuries than others, depending on the most demanded muscle groups, but in general, the following types of injury can be distinguished:

Contusion: Contusions are produced by a blow on the muscle and can cause inflammation, pain and bruising.

Muscle cramp: Muscle cramps result in sudden momentary contractions, that produce intense pain that lasts a few moments before calming down, although not completely.

Contracture: In this case, a contraction of the muscle is maintained over time, causing pain and limiting movement. This may be the result of arthritis. 

Distension: It is also called hyperextension or muscle elongation. It is generated when the muscle is stretched more than it can cover. It causes a diffuse pain that lasts over time.

Fibrillary rupture or muscle tear: One or more fibers of the muscle tissue are broken and its severity depends on the extent of the injury and its duration. The pain is acute and much localized, although the most serious cause is the immediate immobility of the muscle. The medial gastrocnemius (calf) muscle gives particular problems.  

Complete muscle break: The muscle breaks completely. The pain is intense, and you feel the inability to move a muscle, causing immobility.

Tendon lesions: Affect the tendons and can have multiple causes, from a bruise, the use of inappropriate sports equipment and footwear, inappropriate repetitive movements, etc.

Tendonitis of insertion or enthesitis: Tendonitis is characterized by inflammation of the tendon insertions in the bone due to fibrillar microcracks caused by overload. In a high percentage of cases, it is a recurrent lesion.

Tendonitis: In this case, the tendon body is usually inflamed, although it can also affect the sheath (tenosynovitis) or peritenon (peritendinitis).

Partial breakage: Partial breakage usually occurs especially in the longer tendons and is characterized by the breakage of a few fibers.

Total breakage: When the tendon ruptures completely, and usually occurs in veteran athletes.

Dislocation: The displacement of the tendon from its natural position occurs when performing certain movements. It is a very rare lesion.

Treatment of Sports Injuries

Due to the nature of sports injuries, they are best treated with the utilization of an orthopedic specialist. For acute cases, you may require standard procedures such as rest, securing the injured area and elevation. For more severe cases, physiotherapy, bracing or other custom therapies will be utilized. Other cases require early surgical intervention. For the best treatment plan, an early diagnosis is essential.