The Future of Regenerative Medicine

Image Credit: NIST 

Article Authors: Gordon Slater| Tandose Sambo 

“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.”     – Anne Wilson Schaef

The application of regenerative medical treatments for the treatment of orthopaedic conditions is on the rise. It is comforting to know that the body has the ability to heal itself. For this reason, there is a trend in the orthopaedic realm, for the transition away from surgical procedures, to the application of restorative mechanisms. 

Since regenerative medicine in its various forms can regenerate both tissue and bone, the approach to orthopaedic care is changing. The future of medicine is one that is very bright. Key areas that the orthopaedic realm is currently investigating include Stem Cells and Regenerative Methods for the restoration of tissue such as cartilage. 

In medicine, it is always important to understand what has always been known from the ages before. The body contains a regenerative mechanism, and the ability to regenerate is one that changes with age and lifestyle. While the urge to heal the body with a quick fix such as a bandage or a tablet is first nature, the more traditional approach to healing has often been lost because of its general simplicity. 

As the health consciousness of the globe has generally increased, there is an increase in the development of techniques that are more natural in approach. Via the utilisation of natural methods that support the body’s function, there may be no need to have to replace any body parts in the future. The function can continue to persist across the full stage of life. 

There are varying stages of the evolution of regenerative medicine in the orthopaedic realm. As we embark onto the next generation of treatment of the musculoskeletal system, the treatment options are plentiful. Therapies that patients can look forward to include: 

Platelet- rich plasma (PRP)

Purified cytokines

Cell-based therapy.

These therapies are part of the subset of those therapies that have great potential to change the quality of care for patients, and optimise tissue healing and regeneration. 

With a better understanding of human healing mechanisms, medicine is advancing to a point where regeneration of various body parts, and even whole organs will be a possibility. 

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Dr. Gordon Slater

Dr. Slater is one of the first foot and ankle surgeons in Australia to adopt minimally invasive surgical techniques. He routinely uses MIS to treat a range of conditions, including bunions.

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Dr Gordon Slater is a highly-skilled surgeon specialising in foot and ankle conditions and sports injuries. Dr Slater is one of the first foot and ankle surgeons in Australia to adopt minimally invasive surgical techniques. He routinely uses MIS to treat a range of conditions, including bunions. MIS  has many advantages including shorter operating times, reduced post-operative pain, reduced risk of infection, minimal scarring and better cosmetic outcomes.

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